No. 15 Squadron: Formed at South Farnborough, Hampshire, on 1 March 1915, this squadronhad been flying Lincolns and Washingtons during the early '50s before converting to Canberra B Mk 2s in May 1953. Disbanded in 1957, No. 15 squadron was re-formed at RAF Cottesmore in September 1958 to become the second squadron to fly Victors, first Mk 1 and the Mk 1As. Like No. 10 Squadron, No. 15 flew Victors to Singapore and Malaysia during the 1963-64 confrontation with Indonesia. After the last of these deployments, Victor B Mk 1As were withdraw and No. 15 Squadron was disbanded in October 1964.

No. 57 Squadron: Formed at Copmanthorpe, Yorkshire, on 8 June 1916, this squadron had been flying Canberra B Mk 2s for three and a half years when it was disbanded at RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire, in December 1957. Reformed at RAF Honington in January 1959, No. 57 received Victor B Mk 1s in March 1959 and B Mk 1s during the following year. Like Nos. 10, 15 and 55, No. 57 Squadron sent Victor detachments to Singapore during the confrontation with Indonesia. No. 57 became a tanker squadron when it converted to Victor K Mk 1s in December 1965. It switched to K Mk 2s 10 years later and flew these last Victors until being disbanded on 30 June 1986.
No. 100 Squadron: Formed in February 1917 at Hingham, Norfolk, this squadron was flying Canberra B Mk 2s from RAF Wittering when it was disbanded on 1 September 1959. On 1 May 1962, No. 100 Squadron was reformed at this Northamptonshire base to fly Victor B Mk 2s. It was disbanded on 1 October 1968.
No. 139 Squadron: Rather unique among RAF squadrons as it was formed in Italy as a fighter-reconnaissance squadron on 3 July 1918, this squadron converted from Mosquito B Mk 35s to Canberra B Mk 2s in November 1953. After switching to Canberra B Mk 6s, the squadron was disbanded at RAF Binbrook, Lincolnshire, in December 1959. Reformed at RAF Wittering in February 1962, No. 139 Squadron flew Victor B Mk 2s until it was disbanded on 31 December 1968.
No. 214 Squadron: This Royal Naval Air Service squadron came into being in France in December 1917 when No. &A Squadron, RNAS, was renumbered. Disbanded after flying Lincolns in 1950-54, No. 214 Squadron was reformed in 1956 at RAF Marham with Valiant B Mk 1s and took part in operations against Egypt later in that year. Beginning in February 1958, No. 214 Squadron pioneered tanker operations with Valiant B(PR)K Mk 1s. Disbanded as a Valiant tanker squadron in 1965, No. 214 was reformed on 1 October 1966 with Victor K Mk 1s. It was disbanded on 28 January 1977.
No. 232 Operational Conversion Unit: based at RAF Gaydon, the Victor OCU received its first B Mk 1 in November 1957, and its first B Mk 2 in October 1961. It was redesignated the Victor Training Flight on 1 April 1962, moved to RAF Wyton, Huntingdonshire, in 1968, and received its first K Mk 2 in May 1974. It was disbanded on 1 April 1986.
No. 543 Squadron: Formed on 12 October 1942, this squadron flew photographic-reconnaissance Spitfires until being disbanded in September 1944. It was reformed at RAF Wyton in April 1955 to fly Valiants B(PR) Mk 1 strategic reconnaissance aircraft. The Valiants were replaced by Victors SR Mk 2s in May 1965, No. 543 Squadron was disbanded in May 1974.
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